Mask Project: Rumors of Corona

Mask Project

Title: Rumors of Corona (করোনার গুজব)
Team Members: Bishwojit Das Bijoy, Sintheya Aktary Sinthe
Date: 25 September 2021



Rumors of Corona

Face-negotiation Theory:

The face is a metaphor for the image that people want to acquaint themselves with others. Every person has a lot of concern about his face. It's a notion of interactional identity that's been claimed. "Face-negotiation theory" means that people of all cultures are concerned about their faces. Because it is the face that reveals a person's personality, human behavior, and attitude. Every culture regards the face as an integral element of the other bodily parts. Other people will negotiate these things if they see our face.

The face is nothing more than a public image that has been socially formed. Everyone's face has two versions. One that is visible to the public and the other that is hidden or the real self. Every person wants to be the most pleasant, appreciated, and admired person in their environment through their "public face". Because their face reflects them in society, people convey an attitude that is truly enjoyable to them. Again, if we talk about the "personal face" of every person then people live in a world of their own where there are no judgments, no thoughts of other human beings. People do what they want to do and work independently.

The "Face-Negotiation Theory" learning method allowed us to dig deeper into ourselves. Face Negotiation Theory tries to explain and comprehend multicultural communication processes. This theory helps us understand the differences in our culture. If we look at our society, we can see that rumors are constantly being spread. It is currently spreading through digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Some selfish people in society do these things to achieve their interests. These people have two types of faces, in public places, they always positively present themselves but their purpose behind it is only to gain their interest. They spread various fake news and rumors for their gain. During this epidemic like Corona, some selfish people have spread many rumors by capitalizing on Corona. Ordinary people believe in fake news without understanding it and share this information with other people. The general public should understand that no matter how positively people present themselves in a public place, there must be another purpose or appearance behind it. That's why people should first check the authenticity and accuracy of any news, then believe it and share it with other people. Through this mask-making project, we have been able to do a lot of research and learning.

We became more realistic through our project of making these masks. So be it when we're conducting research. Many superstitions and rumors have been unearthed all around us. As a result, we can now verify the exact comparison. And truth without listening to rumors and misrepresentation between information bias and truth. Through this mask-making endeavor, we were able to examine our inner selves.

The Mask Theme:

The Media Studies and Journalism Department of ULAB organizes Curriculum Integration (CI) each semester focusing on a certain theme that helps students to learn beyond the classroom and demonstrate their innovative ideas. This Curriculum Integration (CI) is a special event for the students. Due to this initiative of ULAB, students can improve their skills, knowledge. Moreover, students are encouraged to collaborate with their peers and mentors.

This semester (summer 2021) the CI theme is "Digital Citizenship". It is also the theme of mask-making projects. Digital citizenship refers to a person who uses technology, mainly information technology, to put in the world to be a good citizen of the world to assign in politics, society, and government. The use of digital technology has greatly increased in the current era. Digital citizenship is the way of connecting socially with others in any part of the world through the internet or online. We always see various rumors spread in our society. This is relevant to our day-to-day social life. Especially during this pandemic, many rumors have been spread about corona on digital platforms. At present, we are constantly seeing various rumors. Since our CI theme is "Digital Citizenship", we have done a mask-making project on this theme based on the rumors that have spread on the digital platform in the Corona epidemic. And we named our project "Rumors of Corona".

Our Message:

The message we wanted to convey through our masks is that rumors are currently circulating on online platforms during the Corona epidemic. From one to another, rumors are spreading across the country. By capitalizing on Corona, many are gaining their interests by spreading various misinformation. Again, people are spreading a lot of disinformation to people without knowing it. Ordinary people believe that information without understanding it. As a result, people are being cheated. The impact of this epidemic with the wrong information has now surpassed the impact of the Corona epidemic.

So, we should not listen to any rumors. First, we need to verify the veracity or accuracy of any information, then after confirming the veracity of the information we need to believe that information.


In our mask-making project, we have tried to explain with the masks how the corona rumors are spreading from one person to another. Rumors start spreading from one person and later spread through more than one person. That's why we have used multiple masks in this project. We have created four masks to clearly show the spread of rumors in Corona. Above the board was the title of our work "Rumors of Corona". First, we used a black mask. Which we defined as the central mask. Because this black mask shows that Corona's rumors were first spread by this mask. We put a pipe under this black mask. We also painted this pipe black and attached a rectangular piece of paper to this pipe where the contemporary rumors of Corona were written on small colored paper. Below the box, we placed our remaining three masks. We painted these three masks white and placed these three white masks in a row on the board. By these three white masks, we have meant the common people of the society. Those masks represent fake news believers. We mean by these three masks is that the mask in the middle is a daughter or son, the mask on the right is a mother and the mask on the left is a father.

We placed three injections on top of these three white masks. And these three injection pipes we have attached to the rectangular paper of the corona rumors. We have tried to explain how everyone in a family believes in fake news and how it spreads in the family. That's why used injections and pipes to show how corona rumors spread from one person to another. That's why we planned it and have tried to explain that the rumors of Corona through black masks are spreading through injections and pipes between the three white masks.

Painting and Installation:

To paint the four masks we used enamel white black, red, orange, and acrylic white color. We painted the first mask completely using enamel black. Then we used acrylic white to draw the eyes and eyebrows of the mask and enamel orange color to draw the lips.

We first used enamel white color to draw the other three masks. Then we layered the masks with acrylic white paint. Enamel orange color has been used to draw the lips of the left side mask and enamel red to draw the lips of the other two masks. Enamel black color has been used to paint the eyes and eyebrows of the mask. We also used a red tip on the forehead of the right side mask to present as a woman. Here we presented the masks as a family. The mask on the right is presented as a woman (mother), the mask in the middle as a little girl (daughter), and the mask on the left as Man (father).

When the painting of masks is finished we focus on installing the masks on the board. We used poster paper, saline pipes, and injections to arrange the mask on the board. First, we made a board like a frame with black poster paper. Then we cut the cockshit and made a small box. We have been given a new look with black colored poster paper. We wrote the title of our project by placing blue paper on it.

We put the black mask first on the board. Because the black mask is our central mask. From this we inserted the black color into a saline tube, attaching the tube to the mask. The other end of the pipe attached to the tube is attached to a rectangular box. Which is made by cockshit. We have placed the different text-shaped colored paper in the box to highlight the rumors of Corona. Then we attached three saline pipes from the box to the three masks placed below. We used injections on the heads of the masks to get the rumors into the brains of the masks. Then we inserted the saline pipes into the injections. Through this, our mask project has been completed. The masks have been able to beautifully reflect the spread of rumors.

Since we are not art students and have no previous experience in such work, it was quite a challenge to do this work. But in the end, we were satisfied with the final look of our project.


In the end, we both were able to realize while creating this project that the rumors started spreading through one type of person, and later it gradually spread to the public. As a result, the public is believing all these rumors without verifying their veracity and accuracy. People in society are being cheated because of it. And this is why people are constantly facing extreme consequences. After verifying its authenticity and accuracy, people should not listen to these rumors and need to believe any news. If we notice these things, then the rate of rumors in society will decrease and it will have a good impact on society.

If we were asked to make this mask again then we will try to make the theme more clear to the audience. And we will take the advice of senior students in making and designing the mask. 

The topic "Rumors of Corona '' was the strength of our work. Because we learn more details about fake news (misinformation and disinformation) through the Communication Technology and Mass communication course. Not only that, but fake news also has a lot of impact on our personal life. We have heard many rumors during this pandemic of Corona. Due to which it is easy for us to create this mask project with the rumors of Corona.

If we are allowed to make the mask again, the mistakes we will avoid are: we will be careful when removing the second layer of the mask. We made a mistake the first time we made the mask. After making the mask, our mask was broken while lifting the second layer, due to which we had to make a new mask again. So we will avoid these mistakes while making the mask later.

Our thought about this project is, this project has helped to increase our creative thinking and made our minds more creative.

Role of Individual Member:

We have done our mask project by creating a group of two. We have both made outstanding contributions to the completion of this mask project. Even during this Corona epidemic, we went to the market together several times to buy mask-making equipment. We used the younger brothers of both members as models to make the mask. We talked a lot about our concept through phone calls. We have worked together through video calls to correct the mistakes of the mask while painting the mask.

Bishwojit Das BijoyHelped in making 3 masks and helped paint 2 masks, design projects, and work in Photoshop. Helped to write the mask report.

Sintheya Aktary Sinthe: Helped to make 1 mask and paint 2 masks. Helped to write the mask report.



Here is a photograph of our mask-




CI Themes and Mask Making Project help develop our knowledge and understanding. At first, we were a little worried about the Mask making project but since we started working it has seemed easy and enjoyable to us. We gained a lot of experience by completing the project. The CI theme for this semester was "Digital Citizenship" which is a very important theme for the present time. We have done a mask-making project on this theme based on the rumors that have spread on the digital platform in the Corona epidemic and we have been able to use this theme to complete our project successfully
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