Family environment influences a chlid's personality more than education

            Family environment influences a child's personality more than education

Family environment influences a child’s personality more than education- I agree with this statement because children spend most of their time with their family and their family’s behavior influences them. So as children stay most of their time with family so which is why the behavior they do or the things they learn they learn first from their family and secondly children learn socialization from their family and finally bookish knowledge is not everything.

First of all, A child spends most of his time with his family members. It is very beneficial for a Child. Children or adolescents who talk more about themselves with their family members are less likely to have behavioral problems (Paolicchi, 2015). One of the major benefits of spending time with family is that they treat us the way we treat them. They will learn what we do. At their age, they have no idea what is right and what is wrong. So they follow what their father, mother, or their elder sister or brother are doing (Paolicchi, 2015). Then they think whatever they are doing is everything right. So they try to do the same behavior in their own life. So we can say that as children spend most of the time with their family, their family’s behavior and everything has a great impact on a children’s mind and in their behavior.

Secondly comes socialization. Socialization means being social in society and not doing any unsocial things. Socialization is the cycle whereby a person's principles, attitudes, intentions, mentalities, and practices change to adjust to those viewed as alluring and proper for their present and future job in a specific culture (Parke et al., 2008, p. 224-235). Family, neighbors, school-college, friends, religious institutions are all key elements of the socialization process (Parke et al., 2008, p. 224-235). A family is the first social group of the child. Because as I said before, children spend most of their time with their family members. A child will learn what he or she sees from his family. Because children follow their family. That means they will do what they see their family doing. They will treat others the same way similarly their family treats others. So as they don’t have any judging ability they think that the things their family is doing are right. 

It is true that in this world bookish knowledge is also needed. In education, life means school, college or in university whatever we learn we learn those by reading books. So that is why books also have an impact on building up our personality. Many people also follow writers to build their personalities like their idols. Finally, bookish knowledge is not all. Bookish knowledge is something that we learn from reading various books. Instruction is unquestionably more than learned information, as it is essentially implied for our fundamental turn of events (Bookish knowledge is not enough for education, 2016). It shows us the virtues of life and empowers us to separate between great and terrible (Bookish knowledge is not enough for education, 2016). According to my perspective, I would state both hypothetical and functional information is a must to dominate in a specific field (Bookish knowledge is not enough for education, 2016). We can't just say that hypothesis isn't fundamental, regardless of whether you have great reasonable openness the hypothesis angle further upgrades the nature of work (Bookish knowledge is not enough for education, 2016). So it's smarter to have both hypothesis and functional information to infer the most extreme advantage (Bookish knowledge is not enough for education, 2016). In this world, people can learn a lot of knowledge from books. We have to read books in school, college, and university to enrich our knowledge. Because books are a medium of acquiring knowledge. But a book can not change a man’s or woman’s personality which he builds up by his or her family. Books can make a man peaceful or calm or a good person but can not change his or her personality. Books give knowledge but personality buildup by practical life.

To conclude, the family environment is the first school of children. They observe their family members, they try to follow those and they try to apply those in their real life. Because they do not have the ability or the mentality to judge what is right and what is wrong. Bookish knowledge helps but bookish knowledge will be implemented perfectly when children learn a good thing from their family.


Bookish knowledge is not enough for education. (2016, January 06). Edubilla. Retrieved from

Paolicchi, S. (2015, May 8). 10 Important Benefits of Spending Time With Family. Family Focus Blog. Retrieved from

Parke, R. D. (2008, February 18). Socialization [E-book]. In M. S. Leidy, T. J. Schofield, & M. A. Miller (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development (pp. 224–235). Elsevier Inc. Retrieved from

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